Atrisk Stock Video Footage

Medical staff working to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine
Covid-19 vaccine point of distribution
Outdoor Covid-19 vaccination event for front line workers and at risk populations
People in cars wait in observation after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine
Medical students working at Covid-19 vaccination event
Covid-19 vaccine drive through site
Medical worker walks by cars at Covid-19 vaccine site
Nurses and students working at Covid-19 vaccine site
People in cars wait in observation area after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine
Medical staff volunteers at Covid-19 vaccine distribution event
Medical volunteers at Covid-19 vaccine distribution event
Outdoor distribution site for the Covid-19 vaccine
Covid-19 vaccine outdoor point of distribution
Male and female medical worker prepare Covid-19 vaccine for patient in car
Volunteer medical staff working at Covid-19 vaccine distribution site
Medical staff prepare Covid-19 vaccine for patient in car
Covid-19 vaccine point of distribution site medical workers
Elderly man in wheelchair receives the Covid-19 vaccine
Medical students and staff working at Covid-19 vaccine distribution site
Outdoor Covid-19 vaccination point of distribution
Medical staff and students work Covid-19 vaccination event
Root Square in downtown Houston Texas

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